New automated warehouse for Stacchiotti S.r.l. at negative temperature: efficiency and reliability made in Trascar at the service of agri-food sector

The Company of Modena realized one high technology system that assures to the Customer important hygienic and qualitative performances.

Trascar adds a new important realization in the automation field at the service of the agri-food sector, consolidating the specialization grew up for this strategic production department. For the Company Stacchiotti of Ancona, primary producer of bread and sweets and salted bakery products, it has been in fact realized a new automated system for the storage at constant negative temperature (-25°) of its finished products. The new automated warehouse – realized using sophisticated technologies to ensure the perfect functioning under these extreme conditions – assures to the Customer a more efficient rotation of references, a greater storage capacity and a drastic reduction of the handling times and of the possible picking faults.

Trascar wins the cold’s challenge

Achieve one automated system for an industrial bakery always represents an important technological challenge for who offers logistics solutions: the need of operating in environments with temperatures constantly below 0°C and in which has to be always granted one high hygienic standard involves difficulties of realization particularly exacting. In this range Trascar can offer a suitable engineering experience and consolidated realizing capacity: these characteristic elements brought the Customer Stacchiotti S.r.l. to trust with confidence to the Company of Modena, as already happened for other important Italian and foreign realities of the food sector.

Efficiency, speedy and precision in pallet’s handling

The core of the new system is constituted by a modern and efficient shuttle stacker crane, gifted of 4 wheels of horizontal sliding: entirely realized in inox steel, it is equipped of one on board satellite for pallet handling in multi-depth channels with capacitors. This solution guarantees efficiency, speedy, and precision at high standards in pallet handling, so greater productivity and safety. The warehouse is gifted of two entrance points: here, before being picked by stacker crane, pallets execute the code reading and the control of dimension and weight. The management of the system is assigned to an easy and intuitive WMS-Warehouse Management System, realized itself by Trascar based on the Customer’s requirements and perfectly integrated with the software already in use. The new information system offers screens of speedy consultation, returning in few seconds the updated situation of the handlings and of the warehouse map. Thanks to these characteristics the need for the operators to do control entrances in cold room is reduced at indispensable needed, with complete advantage of their safety and their working welfare.

Progetto di crescita a livello internazionale per la conquista di mercati emergenti mediante la commercializzazione di innovative tecnologie automatizzate per il settore tessile, pharma e la logistica.

Descrizione Progetto
Il progetto prevedeva una strategia di internazionalizzazione e sviluppo di contatti commerciali verso Bangladesh, Russia, UK, Turchia, Germania, USA. Trascar aveva programmato, a tale scopo e prima del diffondersi della Pandemia, la presenza con uno stand alle manifestazioni fieristiche di seguito elencate: LogiMAT 2020 (STOCCARDA), INDEX 2020 (GINEVRA); ITM 2020 (ISTANBUL); KTM 2020 (KAHRAMANMARAS-TURCHIA); DTG 2020 (DHAKA - BANGLADESH).
Gli eventi fieristici sono stati selezionati per garantire la presenza diretta di Trascar sui mercati individuati al fine di incrementare la visibilità dell’immagine dell’azienda e garantire una forte presenza nel territorio estero tramite distributori diretti/agenti specializzati, e lo sviluppo di rapporti commerciali con nuove realtà industriali in fasi di crescita. L'obiettivo era un incremento di fatturato export e di brand awareness.
Per ragioni dettate dalla pandemia, è stato possibile svolgere solo la fiera INDEX nel '21 che, nonostante le restrizioni, si è dimostrata produttiva in termini di contatti e follow-up. Il lavoro effettuato dal TEM ha portato all'identificazione, tramite le azioni di marketing digitale e di un DEM, di prospects e potenziali partners commerciali. I contatti si sono e si stanno trasformando in incontri atti alla formalizzazione di contratti.
Progetto confinanziato dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale


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