Antonio Capaldo S.p.A., a Company leader in ironmongery and house decoration details trade, trusted to Trascar S.p.A. for the realization of the new automatic warehouse



Thanks to the reliability and the efficiency of automation system realized by Trascar S.p.A., the handling ability has been increased of 60%. Mistakes in the management of order lines are less than 0,01%.


Antonio Capaldo S.p.A., the leader Company in ironmongery and house decoration details trade, chose Trascar S.p.A. as technological partner for the realization of its new automated warehouse. With more than 200 employees and a turnover higher than one hundred million euro, the Company is based in Atripalda (AV) and works in all the South Italy as wholesale and retail supplier for ironmonger stores, electrical equipment and house decoration details. Furthermore, it has in direct management three stores of trademark Progress too, located in provinces of Naples and Avellino. The increasing requests of effective management of stocks – both in terms of sizes and in terms of required timetables – have made necessary the realization of a new unified structure, in which previous two warehouses have merged and where all processes have been automated: from the acceptance of goods arriving to the operations of quality check, from the in pallet storage and/or standard plastic boxes of products to the working out of the Customers’ orders, until the organization of the same and to the goods delivery to receivers.



Antonio Capaldo S.p.A.’s strength consists in the efficiency and rapidity in the orders’ management: “All requests are satisfied and delivered within a maximum period of 24 hours, while for Customers based in Campania all orders reached within 02.00 p.m. are absolutely processed and delivered within the same day” states Mr. Massimo Magri, Managing Director Supply Chain and Operations. “To guarantee such quality and performance levels – Mr. Magri stresses – it’s necessary to be provided of an extremely spacious and at high functionality warehouse: the managed references are more than 35.000, with a handling capacity of 600 lines/order per hour. Thanks to the reliability and efficiency of the automated system realized by Trascar S.p.A., the handling capacity has been increased of 60%, passing through almost 970 lines/order per hour of work”. The satisfaction of Mr. Massimo Magri is well summarized in this consideration: “Trascar is not only a supplier, but a strategic partner: the great professional competence, the ability to manage complex projects and the strong know-how of its technicians have allowed us to hit everyone goals we have set”.



Technicians are completely led in all the phases: in each working station is present a voice control system and viewer through display of the operations to be made. The picking has also a pick-to-light system which, through a laser pointers system, leads the technician to the picking of the correct code inside the compartmentalized crates.



The process is completed by using the active working stations of orders’ achievement, based behind technicians, and by using automated packaging lines, control lines, orders preparation and delivery lines. “Integrations installed allowed to reduce downtimes and inaccuracies in orders’ management to an absolute excellence level: mistakes in the management of the order’s lines are lower than 0,005%” comments with satisfaction Mr. Giovanni Santulli, Process Support and Special Customer Referent.



One of the strengths of the system realized by Trascar S.p.A. for Antonio Capaldo S.p.A. consists in the complete integration between hardware and software: conveyor and picking systems are in fact coordinated thanks to a new WMS managing system (Warehouse Management System), complete with the interface with Customer’s management system and with the visualization of the whole system. In this way it has been assured the interoperability with the old system and all functions of automated warehouse have found an integration thanks to specific applications.



The realization of the system based at Atripalda required almost 3 years: from the order’s takeover Trascar S.p.A. took a period of almost 24 months in coaching nearby Customer’s headquarter, in order to analyse  every single detail of the existing system and in order to plan – through the extrapolation of production’s datas – characteristics of the system to realize with specific information software, able to virtually simulate the functioning of the machineries in every single function. In following 12 months it has been passed from the final planning to the material realization of the system, which has been delivered within the deadline. During commissioning and test it has been realized, with pleasant surprise, that effective performances of the system are higher than 3% compared with what simulated in planning phase: a further confirmation of the efficiency and reliability of Trascar S.p.A.’s solutions for every requirement of automation and logistic.




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