The optimization of logistics through industrial automation in manufacturing sector is today essential for all companies (mechanical, electromechanical, foundries, producers of laminates and kitchens and in any case companies producing finished or semi-finished goods) which must reduce general costs for be able to maintain its competitiveness.


In this sector, Trascar makes available the experience acquired in numerous intralogistic solutions that have allowed its Customers to achieve the set goals, such as, for example, space reduction, logistics optimization, traceability, safety, … Logistic control, optimization between the different departments and the automated storage of semi-finished and / or finished parts by means of trasloelevators, allow the minimization of downtime and the increase of productivity.


Trascar is able to create fully automated and customized solutions in the manufacturing industries to better optimize the integrated intralogistics of the Customers. Trascar developed also specific automated warehousing for all Companies in the manufacturing sector.


manifatturiero - manufacturingmanifatturiero - manufacturingmanifatturiero - manufacturingmanifatturiero - manufacturing

Soluzioni per settore Manifatturiero

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