DebbyLine, a Company specialized in integrated logistics since 1994, offers all logistics services to enterprises, included specific services for textile and fashion Industry.

DebbyLine entered in logistics with the fashion field and today moves products for any business sector: from the management of 20 thousand items a day during the first years of activity, it reached today the management of 20 million items. All this happens thanks to the competence of its own personnel and thanks to investments in technology realized during last years.

The solution realized by Trascar for DebbyLine is a complete cases storage system into warehouse and following picking for orders composition. Thanks to this realization DebbyLine increased its storage capacity of goods into warehouse and it is able to manage goods’ flows and IT procedures in an efficient and effective way, increasing the rapidity in which goods are prepared and orders are processed.

All this is DebbyLine: the strategic partner in integrated logistic field.


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